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50 and grateful.

Grateful for being white and privileged, living in the first world.

Grateful for having a steady income, a roof over my head, (too much) food on my plate.

Grateful for my weekly music radio show, which brings me (and some others) endless joy. (Grateful that I received the chance to go on recording from Berlin!)

Grateful for my day job and for the people there.

Grateful for my health (touch wood!).

Grateful for having made peace with my past and with myself.

Grateful for the decision to take the chance of my life and to move to Berlin at the old age of (almost) 45.

Grateful (so grateful!) for Andreas, my husband, which I met here and which has helped me mend my soul. Grateful for the deep love and friendship we have built together.

Grateful for his children, which are now also mine.

Grateful for the wonderful friends I have made here, in my new world. Thank you for entering my life and for choosing me!

Dankbar für Deutsch! Diese unendlich vielfältige Sprache, in der ich jetzt meinen Alltag verbringe und die ich wahrscheinlich nie so gut sprechen könnte, wie ich es gerne hätte.

Grateful for Deutschland, which allowed me to become an official citizen here. I could not wish myself a better birthday present.

Thank you!


And party music!
